Jilin High-tech Zone Safety Committee held the fourth plenary (expanded) meeting and the fourth joint meeting on fire protection in 2023

来源:   时间: 2023-10-27 14:20
  On October 27, the Safety Committee of Jilin High-tech Zone held the fourth plenary (expanded) meeting and the fourth joint meeting on fire protection in 2023。Jiao Jiguo, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of Jilin High-tech Zone, attended the meeting and made a speech。
  Conference emphasis,要深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于安全生产重要论述重要指示精神,We will fully implement the spirit of the fourth plenary meeting of the Provincial Safety Committee,Summarize the work, study and judge the situation, deploy tasks, and compacting responsibilities,We will continue to investigate and rectify hidden dangers of major accidents,Strengthen the implementation of security responsibility measures,Implement the safety requirements into the whole process of work,We will resolutely prevent and contain major accidents。
  The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to fully understand the current serious situation of production safety and effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and mission of safety work。The high-tech zone organized the investigation and rectification of major accident hidden dangers and the special action of "implementing responsibility, preventing and controlling risks, eliminating hidden dangers, and ensuring safety", although certain results have been achieved, the safety situation is not optimistic。All departments and units should attach great importance to the work of production safety, put it in a more important position, rearrange and redeploy the work of production safety, and take strong measures to resolutely curb the occurrence of various accidents。
  The meeting stressed that we should focus on key points and weak links, and comprehensively promote special rectification of key industries and fields with strong measures。All streets and relevant departments should grasp the seasonal characteristics and industry field laws of the fourth quarter,Pay close attention to fire safety, gas safety, road traffic, construction, hazardous chemicals, industrial and trade industries and other key industries,Comprehensive review,Enhance the predictability of work,Adhere to problem orientation,We will further study and formulate specific measures and promote their implementation,With a higher degree of self-awareness, zero-tolerance attitude, strong measures,We will strengthen the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers in major accidents,Protect people's safety,Resolutely prevent the accident of the dead。
  The meeting required that we should further correct our attitude and strict discipline, and promote the implementation of safety work with a solid work style。To prevent war-weariness, to prevent going through the motions, to prevent looking ahead, to prevent loose and soft, to prevent fluke mentality。We must dare to compete, truly grasp the work of production safety, and grasp the various safety precautions and grasp them in place。It is necessary to seriously implement the implementation rules of the "three tubes and three must", take the initiative to assume regulatory responsibilities, and let enterprises truly fulfill their main responsibilities。It is necessary to have the courage to assume responsibility, with the strictest supervision, the strictest law enforcement, and the most effective measures, to faithfully implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and The State Council and the work requirements of the provincial Party committee and provincial government, the municipal Party committee and the municipal government, resolutely hold the bottom line of safe development, and provide a safe and stable environment for the economic and social development of high-tech zones。
  Wang Li, deputy director of the Management Committee of High-tech Zone, presided over the meeting。
  Members of the leading team of the Party Working Committee and the Management Committee of the High-tech Zone, and the main person in charge of all member units of the Safety committee of the high-tech Zone attended the meeting。(Tan Wan-wing, Emergency Management Agency)
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